
Lexington look to take season series against the Red Wolves

Photo by Lexington Sporting Club

The Boys in Green (or has it officially changed to black now?) have just 4 matches left in their inaugural season, and while playoffs are highly doubtful (there is still a mathematical chance), Coach Novo’s squad is going to be hungry coming into their matchup against Chattanooga. The Red Wolves come into Toyota having been eliminated from the playoffs and have a record of 1-1-3 in their last 5 matches. Lexington does have only 1 win over their last 5, but they also have only 1 loss, with the other 3 matches being all draws. 

The Red Wolves have had a season to forget after making the USL1 final last year. Chattanooga only has 4 wins since coming back late in their 3-1 win over Lexington at home back in April, with only 1 of those wins coming on the road. They are also the worst team on the road in the league, with a record of 1-1-14 and a goal difference of -24. However, as I mentioned, they have beaten Lexington, so do not chalk this up as a guaranteed win. The Red Wolves dominate by crossing the ball, leading the lead in accurate crosses per match with 5.1, and they are very good at winning possession in the final 3rd with 4.4 per match. The Red Wolves have beaten Lexington before, and they will be looking to get their 2nd road win of the season to win the season series for at least 1 positive note on the year.

Lexington wants a win. Lexington NEEDS a win. I know it is not as straightforward as that, but the lads desperately need a positive note after drawing 3 matches in which they had the lead. This matchup is precisely the bounce-back the Boys in Black need and for us to see what Nacho Novo is capable of as a head coach. Lexington has played more aggressively over their last few matches, instituting a high press with Machell, Diouf, Balogun, and Brown in the match against Charlotte that saw Lexington control the attacking end far more often than they usually do; I would expect them to do the same here and pile on all the pressure on the Red Wolves backline and keeper till they find the cracks that every other team has this year.

Players to Watch

Lexington SC

SoSo Kim – SoSo scored one of the best goals of the season for Lexington in their first matchup against the Red Wolves back in April, and he has been the bench spark the midfield needs late in games for this recent stretch of matches. SoSo nearly got the game-winner against Charlotte. I expect fireworks when we see SoSo come on the pitch.

Chattanooga Red Wolves SC

Chevone Marsh – Marsh has been one of the few bright spots this year for the Red Wolves, with 11 goals (3 from the PK spot) and 2 assists. While Lexington has largely eliminated him this year, he will likely be out to prove himself and help his side avoid a series loss to the expansion side.

 Check back later this week for our match recap, and stick to Bluegrass Soccer Cast (@BGSoccerCast on all social media platforms) for full coverage of Lexington SC, and everything soccer in our beautiful Commonwealth. 


  • Jon Hunt

    Jon Hunt is an avid and enthusiastic soccer podcast host. Originally from the Detroit area, he now resides in central Kentucky. Jon brings passion and his love of soccer history to the Bluegrass Soccer Cast community. His ultimate goal is to continue the growth of soccer in America with a focus of the thriving soccer scene in Kentucky. #ProRelForUSA

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Lexington look to take season series against the Red Wolves

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